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Community Exercise

Running For Resilience

To save one life from suicide, as many times as possible.


Monday 6:15 AM

Wednesday 6:00 PM

Friday 6:15 AM

Location The Dock, 7/81 Giles St, Kingston ACT 2604

Distance 3km - 6km

Strolling for Resilience

Building off the incredible Running for Resilience success this shifts the dial to suit parents of young kids. Get together as a community and support each other by chatting and playing with the kids afterwards over a coffee. Create social connections to build mental resilience and make it easier to have those harder conversations.


Thursday 10:30 AM

Location The Dock at Kingston Foreshore, Eastlake Parade Kingston

Distance 3km - 6km or 30 min of exercise

Sunday Sesh CBR

Canberra running group supporting the community on their running journey


Sunday 7:15 AM

Location On Lake Cafe, Barton, Canberra

Distance 5km - 10km

Two24 Bunda Run Club

For people working in Civic


Tuesday 12 PM

Location 224 Bunda St, Civic

Distance 4-6km

Canberra Pub Runners

Pub Run starts and ends at a variety of great local pubs with the course changing approximately every 6-8 weeks.


Tuesday 5:45 PM

Location Canberra, Location Changes

Distance 5km

The Locker Room Walk

The Locker Room Walk is for both Men and Woman from all walks of life who come together on the first weekend of every month in the name of Mental Health.
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We provide a space and environment to connect and be present while walking park of Canberra’s beautiful lake. We start from Henry Rolland Park and make our way from “Bridge to Bridge” stopping along the way to collect a take away coffee. Bring the dog, bring a friend or come as you are. We welcome you with open arms.


Sunday 10am - 11.30 AM

Location Henry Rolland Park, Canberra

Distance 5km

Chafe Chasers

All inclusive run club in CBR


Tuesday 6:00 PM

Thursday 6:00 AM

Location Blundell’s Cottage, Lake Burley Griffin